
  1. (especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching


Returning Home

One day, while out on a journey, you have found yourself lost in the depth of a dark woods.

You thought you knew which way you were going…

You thought you had made good decisions along the way…but despite your best efforts you are lost, and alone.

You look around and can’t see the path ahead anymore. The trees have grown thicker and there are thorns in the bushes that have overgrown across the path. The sunlight isn’t able to break through the trees and the unease creeps in.

The fear begins in the pit of your stomach and fills slow and steady with liquid dread. The tension rises to your throat and you can’t call for help. You know that you don’t want to move forward; you can’t move forward. It grows darker and colder still…

There is only one thing to do.

Turn around.

Return Home.

Who am I?

I’ve seen myself as…..

Bullied. Abused. Fat. Christian. Nerd.
Waiting for Marriage. Victim. Queer.
Married. Divorced. Promiscuous.
Anorexic. Abusive. Pure.
Spiritual Survivor.
Teacher. Sister.
Beautiful. Queen.
Divine Goddess.


You may see me as…

Modern Mystic.
Holistic Teacher.
Tarot Card Reader.
Spiritual Cheerleader.
Reiki Practioner.

No matter what the “label” or “identity”…. I’ve always been…

Radically, Rachael

Start living a radically different life.